Gallup, NM, January 26, 2023 – Community is rallying to the aid of a family living in remote Cameron, AZ to provide basic necessities of life: water, food and shelter. From a prison cell in Flagstaff, AZ, a concerned father recently wrote to the collaborative organizers of To’h Ni’li[1] (Water is Life) Project with the hope of providing help for his family while he is incarcerated.
Emergency food, clothes and firewood have now been delivered, with more supplies on the way. “When we delivered food, I had a 3-year-old girl wrap her arms around me and say, thank you, Grandma, for bringing us food – they didn’t even have one can of food,” says Jo’Ann Whiting at K’eh Native Action.
Their living situation is fueling the next rallying plan of action. An 8-year-old boy, a 5-year old girl, 3-year-old girl and 5-month old baby are living with their now single 28-year-old mom in a 30ft trailer with holes in the walls and floors, and a firewood stove. “That’s what they have for her and her children to live in. It really pulls at my heart-strings at night knowing these babies are in a trailer that is not livable in the wintertime. I couldn’t be in this nice warm apartment knowing that they’re cold over there, ” says Whiting.

Donations are helping to address the conditions in preparation for winter. A fundraising campaign is underway to repair and then replace their uninsulated trailer home.
K’eh Native Action’s Bitahnii Wilson, who received and brought the letter to the attention of Antinanco and the greater community says, “It was a shock to see these children living in that condition – it was hard to leave because the little babies wanted reassurance and comfort that everything will be ok. Thank You Great Spirit for allowing us to fulfill that letter.”

About To’h Ni’li Project
The To'h Ni'li Project is a joint collaboration of Antinanco, and K'eh Native Action. Since 2020, the group, together with the larger network of Turtle Island United partners, has been assisting the Navajo people and their neighbors with clean water solutions. The Navajo Nation's access to clean running water is affected by the lack of infrastructure, absence of comprehensive governmental policy, and uranium waste from abandoned mines. Up to 40% of households in remote parts of the Nation have no access to clean running water at home and use externally-installed 55-500 gal drums or barrels. Bitahnii Wilson, Jo’Ann Whiting and the K’eh Native Action team have been on the ground with To’h Ni’li’ installations bringing running water to local Navajo and Hopi residents. In January, K’eh Native Action installed a solar water pump for a household on the traditional Hopi village on top of First Mesa, where there is no electricity or water.
Antinanco and K’eh Native Action thanks Cottontails Children’s Consignment store of Tinton Falls, NJ and its community members for supporting the Cameron family campaign.
Dhyāna Kluth is a staff writer for Antinanco publications and programs. She has a private therapy practice as a psychospiritual counselor and is an international best-selling author. She works and writes to catalyze the sovereign intuitive spirit that is innately able to envision and manifest creation, to facilitate the healing of trauma and to nurture the joy of life on earth. Read more about Dhyāna's work Here.
Photo Credit: K'eh Native Action