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Giving Thanks

Olga Olga Sher, Managing Director

As many people are getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving this week, we wanted to remind everyone that giving daily thanks for nature's gifts is an important way of living our lives in a mindful and connected way.

Lets remember to honor and thank all of our foods that we harvest from nature. They are the ones who have helped humans to survive and stay strong since the beginning of time.

We also express our gratitude to you for helping to make Antinanco what it is today. You have helped us to grow and prosper during the last three years, and we are grateful for your support.

Thanks to you, we were able to implement the amazing Nature Spirit Library Community project this year, offering outdoor libraries and books to children in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Thanks to you, we offered many scholarships, charitable programs and giveaways.

Thanks to you, we have developed a stronger voice that can be heard by many more people than ever before.

Deep Gratitude and Happy Holidays, Friends!

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