Cultures + Generations + Hearts + Connected

Honoring Indigenous Peoples and Land
This time will be dedicated to honoring our Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island
as original stewards of the Lands on which we now live
On Sat, October 15th We Welcome You To Join Us
12pm - Indigenous Ceremony with Songs and Prayers
Brooklyn Bridge Park Lawn, Brooklyn, NY (meet us by Jane's Carousel. Click for MAP)
1pm - Hoskie & Nesbah Walk Of Honor
Brooklyn Bridge Entrance, Brooklyn, NY We will walk across the Brooklyn Bridge (from Brooklyn to Manhattan) in memory of Missing, Murdered and Stolen Native American children and youth who lost their lives prematurely. We will commence the walk from the Brooklyn Bridge Park Lawn (see the map above) at 1pm. ​
After the Hoskie & Nesbah Walk Of Honor, we will be uniting with the
Indigenous Peoples of the Amercas Parade to walk together in celebration
of Unity, Resilience, Traditions and Survivance of the Indigenous Nations.
Sat, October 16th, 1pm
Peace and Dignity Memorial Trees Ceremony in Honor of Our Ancestors
from the Past to Present
Virginia and Lee Graver Arboretum of Muhlenberg College
1581 Bushkill Center Rd, Bath, PA 18014
At this time, we are respectfully collecting names of the Missing, Murdered and Stolen Indigenous children, women, people for ceremonial honoring. Please send to info@antinanco.org.
With questions: info@antinanco.org
Support by purchasing one of these shirts or hoodies with Bitahnii Wilson's art. Click Here
Our Work is Dedicated to Indigenous Peoples’ self-determination, resilience and sovereignty
in Partnership with the Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island and their numerous allies
We Thank Friends, Families and Allies Who Stand With Us in Solidarity